In June, FSI sponsored and participated in Women Build Day in support of Habitat for Humanity. For this week-long event, volunteers come together to support the organization’s Home Ownership program. Many of the Habitat neighborhoods are comprised largely of women and children, as they are the populations most likely to be affected by poor living conditions.

We decided to support Habitat for Humanity with a company volunteer day for a few reasons. First, we liked their local impact. They have renovated over 800 homes in the Kansas City area. We also wanted to be a part of improving a neighborhood and creating a home for a family in need.

For our volunteer day, we started from the foundation up. The build had a custom layout that was designed to meet the needs of the homeowner. Our team split into two groups. The guys installed the subfloor while the ladies started framing the walls. By the end of the day, we had the floor completed and two custom walls built.

Habitat for Humanity requires each beneficiary to put in hours of sweat equity into their build. By participating in Women Build Day, we not only made progress on the home, but also donated our volunteer hours to the recipient to help them achieve their goal more quickly.

While this was the first time FSI has volunteered as group with Habitat for Humanity, it won’t be our last. Our team enjoyed participating and is looking forward to making it an annual event.

To find out how you can give back as an individual or company, visit their site to learn about other volunteer opportunities.