Every year, we host a holiday party for our team. While it is typically held at a restaurant with spouses, we kept it to employees only and catered in lunch from Garozzo’s in light of the pandemic. To celebrate everyone’s hard work, we watched National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation with a few beers and wine.
With our focus on community service, all the staff members came together to donate money to Ronald McDonald House in our owners’ names. This organization provides a place for families to stay when their children are in the hospital for an extended time. The funds we raised were enough to feed 35 families in Kansas City. Each one will be provided with a locally sourced dinner from Urban Café.

One highlight from the event was our annual white elephant exchange. Our team gets creative, swapping lots of funny gifts. This year, some of the most popular items were an FSI snuggie and a redneck plunger.
Although this year looked different, we enjoyed getting together with one another, having some great food and sharing laughs.