FAQ’s: Interior Design

FAQ’s: Interior Design

The design of a workspace can improve employee satisfaction and attract top talent, so it’s no surprise we receive a lot of questions about interior design. Today, we pulled together six frequently asked questions and supplied the answers below. How do finish...
6 Interior Design Best Practices

6 Interior Design Best Practices

We recently shared what to know before kicking off an interior design project, so today, we’re taking it one step further and sharing some of our favorite trade secrets. Below, you’ll find six best practices we employ for every project. Think about the use of a space...
Design Solution: Arktura’s Atmosphera

Design Solution: Arktura’s Atmosphera

In August, we shared tips on how to optimize acoustics in offices. While ceiling panels can help do just that, Arktura’s Atmosphera line takes it one step further. Their decorative ceiling panels absorb sound, while adding architectural design elements. The...
How to Improve Acoustics in Open Offices

How to Improve Acoustics in Open Offices

Creating open, collaborative work spaces has become common place. They can foster teamwork and innovation. However, one key to their success is ensuring acoustics are optimized. Below, we’re sharing some tips and products that can help do just that. What are some...